How to Use Champion Recommendations in LoLDraftAI

LoLDraftAI's champion recommendation system is a powerful tool that can help you make better champion selections during draft. In this post, we'll look at a real game that showcases how to effectively use these recommendations, and discuss the advantages of using our desktop application for live draft tracking.

Desktop App Advantages: Live Draft Tracking

While the web version is powerful, the desktop application offers some significant advantages:

  • Automatic tracking of picks and bans in real-time
  • Instantly updates recommendations as champions are selected
  • Automatically greys out picked or banned champions

Game Showcase: Perfect Taric Counter-Pick

In our showcase game, we'll look at a textbook example of using LoLDraftAI champion suggestion in a live game.

You can see below the recording of how to use LoLDraftAI champion suggestion in a live game.

It's often useful to start checking suggestions early in the draft. This allows you to:

  • Plan potential picks in advance
  • Communicate options with your team (through prepicking in champ select)

I ended up picking in R4(red fourth pick). We could already see the Galio/Jarvan combination at this point of the draft so I was quite confident the Taric pick would work out well

In the final draft, Taric ended up being an excellent counter-pick for several reasons:

  • Strong counter to the enemy dive composition
  • Excellent synergy with our team with taric E being a good chain CC with Gragas, Xin Zhao, Yasuo
  • Good lane matchup, where we can just farm and outscale the ennemy botlane
Here is the final draft analysis for the game. You can see Taric remains a great pick with 9% winrate impact (meaning without Taric, the team would on average have 9% less winrate):Draft analysis showing Taric's high impactThe analysis was totally correct in this game, and we won convincingly with Taric being a really good pick especially against their topside dive. See game results.

Note: The game was played on patch 15.03 while using a model trained on patch 15.02. This demonstrates an important point: LoLDraftAI remains relevant even when slightly behind the current patch, as meta shifts are minimal from patch to patch.

Additional tips

Here are two additional tips for using champion recommendations.

Tip 1: Picking later is better

If you have a deep champion pool, you should ask to pick later in the draft. The model truly shines when both team comps are mostly known, because it can help quickly find picks that totally counter the ennemy team.

Tip 2: Pick champions that you can play well

It may sound obvious, but it's always better to pick a champion that has lower winrate but that you can play well. Understand that the model is trained on solo queue games where most people pick champs that they are good at, so the predictions assume you can play the champion well.

Ready to Try It Yourself?

Experience LoLDraftAI's champion recommendations in your own games: